boi wen im around u i get weak my hart starts pumpin a crazy beat words in ma mouth but i cant speak.. baby i cant breath wen ur next 2 me gota chek my lungs c if they stil work, gta check my hart underneath my shirt.. i fink im in love.theres sumfing bout 'ur smile'
(verse 1)
from the hat to the kicks im matching
all day everyday gurl i aint actin..
i come across i cum across lyk i aint got manorz
but somehow all these girls im attracting,
she said sumfin about you i said nar its the whip that got you,
then y does it feel lyk i need you. oh thts normal i does dis babes, i gt strong gurlz getin weak these days private callin on
ma fone all late,i aint tryna get notted up lyk laces, me im a sly 1 i move till l8. i aint tryna spend all nite n the next day, ill move in the mornin ill b gon by 8, sum reason this girl still lyks me n i kno cause she keeps tellin me
boi wen im around u i get weak my hart starts pumpin a crazy beat words in ma mouth but i cant speak.. baby i cant breath wen ur next 2 me gota chek my lungs c if they stil work, gta check my hart underneath my shirt.. i fink im in love. theres sumfing bout 'ur smile'
jus a lil sumfing, sumfing (she sed theres)
jus a lil sumfing, sumfing (she...n told me dat ders)
jus a lil somfing, sumfing
theres sumfing bout 'ur smile'
verse 3
ok maybe its the smile on my face but i fink ur in love wid my name tag u c me tho im humble i dnt brag, but its bait tht my gums bin whiped by girls in a rush tryna get to the next step. im like slow down we aint eva met yet , shes lyk how did u get me 2 do that o thts til moi duz dis babes????im stil shinin wivout no necklace on the block all day lyk im pumpin wait but trust me there aint no bench press, ive already had 3 of your friends 2 more left ima flat im active i cant rest. you aint eva met any1 lyk me not yet some reason this girl still likes me and i kno coz she keeps tellin me