Roses in the car, Roses in the car
Only sadle on the street ???
corrugated iron sheet
this bed is not concrete
this bed in which you sleep
flesh is flesh till blood runs cold
and blood is blood so i am told
the Carbon makes a star, Carbon makes a star
after all thats all we are, after all thats all we are
thats all we are, thats all we are
thats all we are, thats all we are, thats all we are
always on living sun lions ???
always going marry these sun lions ???
and you dont know if its true
or if to believe in you
there are tunnels through the snow
where weaker hearts have made a home
there are Roses in a car, there are Roses in a car
and after all thats all we are, after all thats all we are
and isnt it sad, the adults that we are
still playing follow the leader
body on break, body on break, body on break, till broken
body guna make, body guna make, body guna make, another party
dont want to be the last to leave
body on break, body on break, body on break, till broken
body guna make, body guna make, body guna make another party
dont want to be the last to leave
dont want to be the last to leave
dont want to be the last to leave
dont want to be the last to leave