Huge tailspiniўÂЂÂ”is the world gonna win?
Is the nation gonna open up and let us in?
Hard luck! Your policies suckiўÂЂÂ”
Your rhetoric will save your face, but not your skin
This timeiўÂЂÂ”it's hard to define
So watch the leaves turn brown for the last time
Too late! You've sealed our fateiўÂЂÂ”
No returns, no emergency debate... but wait!
I hate unhappy endingsiўÂЂÂ”and there doesn't have to be one!
TailspiniўÂЂÂ”your hair's getting thin
Your rhetoric will save your face, but not your council estates
GeeiўÂЂÂ”life is cheap!
The forests pine and the willows weep
Checkmate! You've sealed our fateiўÂЂÂ”
The world is way past its sell-by date
TailspiniўÂЂÂ”is the world gonna win?
Tailspin's on the outside looking in
Tailspin, I repent my sins
But when I get to heaven will you let me in?
Tailspin, save our kin, save our skin...
The message we are sending is a very real one
The world we are defending could be a very green one
We hate unhappy endingsiўÂЂÂ”and