"Welcome to my house.
I'm delighted you could come.
I'm certain you will find your stay here...
most illuminating.
Think of me as your unseen host,
and believe that, during your stay here,
I shall be with you in spirit.
May you find the that answer you seek.
It is here, I promise you.
And now, auf wiedersehen." - [sample from: Legend of Hell House]
passing ghosts here's the host
talk of nothing matters most
urban fracture whats the matter?
only i am lost
rip blade doomsday cut string
way they go away
die love
rip blade doomsday cut string
way they go away
die love
are words misused
enough those shameless views
shall sail right through
cold mirror
gives icy clues
icy clues
die love
die love
passing ghosts heres the host
talk of nothing matters most
urban fracture whats the matter?
only i am lost
notice shells ails the well
smell of hell dosed phantoms will
future answer does it matter?
deaths the only thrill
die love
die love
die love
are words misused
enough those shameless views
shall sail right through
cold mirror
gives icy clues
gives icy clues
icy clues
come here