Текст песни "In Trance As Mission" |

For just one moment in time
I hear the holy back beat
Events and casual affairs
Just what is moving on
And what is going on
In dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
Moving on
For just one moment in time
I want to walk where it is
Sustain a stature in life
Here comes a new type of light
Just what is going on
What is moving on
Dream a dream a
Trance as you dream
In trance as mssion
Just what is going on
What is moving on
For just one moment in time
Just one moment in time
Dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
Something crashing into my life
Something crashing against white rocks
No calm to my hand
Here comes my hand
City up on my mind
What is going on
You've got to move on
Dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
Living lives out of dust
Dream a dream a
Living lives
Walk on in light
I want to walk
My hands are grabbing at air
I want to walk
Dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
In trance in trance
Stand by the statue in fog
Events and casual affairs
I want to walk
Heat of the day