Here's the situation, yes the devil knows me well
See I'm trying to do my best not to go to hell!
I'm counting all my blessing, cause I'm walk the narrow road,
Victory is near, that's what I've been told!
I can feel it getting closer, closer every day
I wanna be a warrior of everything I say
There's trial in the valley take me upstream.
I need to feel this water falling down over me
Falling down over me!
I can see my name written across the sky,
Ravens started flying, I saw tears in their eyes.
There was fires in the mountains, storms in the sea,
Winds in the valley, rushing into me.
Knock and it will open, seek and you'll be fine,
You're just a flower and the seed is in your mind!
Clouds will bring us water, and the Sun will bring us heat
Moving from sea to sea.
Let love bring us together,
Let love bring us together,
Let it bring us, let it bring us together!
Let love bring us together!
We need more love
We need more love in the world
Somebody walk with me!
Somebody walk with me!
Somebody walk with me, walk with me quickly!
Let love bring us together!
Let love bring us together!