So he says he loves you, wants you to be his wife
But he's too hooked on the crack pipe for that to be right
It's all lies, none of it's true
Though It hurts you, you know what you got to do
Cut him loose, like a dirty needle you don't know where he's been
All I know is I've seen him high when he say's that he’s clean
There was a grey patch when he first bust on the scene
But as the mystery unravelled, it all became black and white, know what I mean?
As we can never be friends
He can go to hell
No more hanging round the house like a bad smell
Either he goes or I do
It's your decision mama, It's all on you
You're too old to be nieve
And I know you ain't ignorant
That's what's bothering me ma, cause you're going on different
I ain’t never seen you loved up like this before
Why is it everybody but you can see you deserve more
Mama, can't you see
What he's trying to do
To you and to me
Mama, it's so black and white
Whilst you're sitting at home
He's out smoking crack tonight
I can't go for that, no
No can do
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that
When I first met him thought he was cool
Had a few things in common like supporting Arsenal
I saw the way he made you happy like a love fool
Calm down when times were hard up, stressful
But all that don't amount to shit
When he starts acting like a little kid
Treating you as if you are some kinda bitch
Mama you ain't rich
But still he borrows your money
And never pays you back because every penny he gets
He spends on that bad habit of his, ******* takes the piss
Bringing that slut into our house that’s the ultimate diss
Now I knew you threw him out for that
But how long's it going to be before you take him back
Mum I know you're lonely, but
You’re the only
One who can't see that this bloke is a phoney
And he don't really care about you mum
He just says he does cause he ******* thinks you're dumb
Mama, can't you see
What he's trying to do
To you and to me
Mama, it's so black and white
Whilst you're sitting at home
He's out smoking crack tonight
I can't go for that, no
No can do
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that
'My mama loves a crackhead'
Is that what I'm s'pose to tell my friends
When they ask me how I'm doing am I s'pose to pretend
Act like there's nothing wrong when there blatantly is
Turn the other cheek when he's taking the piss
**** that, that’s not how the way the man of the house acts
Gotta defend my territory, guard my patch
When I know he's doing dodgy shit behind your back
Put my foot down, stand my ground and that
This has got to stop, whether the guy buns crack or not,
His head ain’t there, he's ******* lost the plot
Dead and buried is the apt phrase
Can't even act right, can't even act his age
That's so ******* lame
Thirty something years old, he should feel ashamed
If I was him I'd slit my veins at the mains
Run a luke warm bath and sit in it until the arteries drain
Do it right this time
So I ain’t gotta do it again
Coz there's nuttin' more pathetic than a cry for help
Either you do or you don't want to kill yourself
Everyone knows you've got a problem so it don't matter if you admit it
What you gotta do is be a man and ******* deal with it
I know the truth hurts mama
But this shit has got to be said
He don't love you
He never has and that's a fact
Cause the only thing he really loves in this world is crack
Mama, can't you see
What he's trying to do
To you and to me
Mama, it's all black and white
Whilst you're sitting at home
He's out smoking crack tonight
I can't go for that, no
No can do
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that