(1968) Jacques Revaux, Claude François, Gilles Thibault, Paul Anka
And now, the end is near and so I got to faceThe final curtain, girlFriends I say clear and state her case of which I'm uncertainI've lived a life that's full of travelled each and every highwayAnd more, much more than this, I did it my way
Yeah, regrets, I've had a fewBut then again, who feel to me uncertain.I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemptionI planned each other course, each careful footstep along the byway,Yeah, and more, much more than this,I did my way
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knowWhen I did all much more than I could doBut threw it all, when there was doubt, on everydayAnd it's not enough, I faced it allAnd as big as all did my way.
Oh, I've laughed and cried, had my fill my share of losingAnd now, as tears subside, counted also musicTo think like the old ladAnd may I say not in a sky away,Oh, no no no, You're not me, I did it my way.
What is a man, what have he gotIf not himself, and he had not to may the thingsHe truly feels not words of one for useWith that shows, I took the blows and did it my way!
Original French lyric
Je me lève et je te bousculeTu n'te réveilles pasComme d'habitudeSur toi je remonte le drapJ'ai peur que tu aies froidComme d'habitudeMa main caresse tes cheveuxPresque malgré moiComme d'habitudeMais toiTu me tournes le dosComme d'habitudeAlors je m'habille très viteJe sors de la chambreComme d'habitudeTout seul je bois mon caféJe suis en retardComme d'habitudeSans bruit je quitte la maisonTout est gris dehorsComme d'habitudeJ'ai froidJe relève mon colComme d'habitude
Comme d'habitudeToute la journéeJe vais jouerA faire semblantComme d'habitudeJe vais sourireComme d'habitudeJe vais m⌦㔲㬴me rireComme d'habitudeEnfin je vais vivreComme d'habitude
Et puisLe jour s'en iraMoi je reviendraiComme d'habitudeToiTu seras sortieEt pas encore rentréeComme d'habitudeTout seulJ'irai me coucherDans ce grand lit froidComme d'habitudeMes larmesJe les cacheraiComme d'habitude
Comme d'habitudeM⌦㔲㬴me la nuitJe vais jouerA faire semblantComme d'habitudeTu rentrerasComme d'habitudeJe t'attendraiComme d'habitudeTu me sourirasComme d'habitude
Comme d'habitudeTu te déshabillerasComme d'habitudeTu te coucherasComme d'habitudeOn s'embrasseraComme d'habitude