Текст песни "Intro (Under Construction)" |

yeah whats the deal ya'll this missy elliott givin ya'll magazine writer's
radio cats listers or plain old haters a small piece of my album which is
titled under construction under consrtuction simply states that im a work in
progress im working on myself you know uh every since Aaliyah passed i view
life in a uh more valuable way looking at hate and anger gossip or just plain
ol bullshit became ignorant to me when you realize in a blink of a eye you
walking down a church aisle and that was meant for weddings and happiness and
realize the same church aisle are used to view a loved one for the last time
from the world trade families the left eye family big pun family you know
biggie family pac family to the hip hop family we all under construction trying
to rebuild you know ourselves hip hop done gained respect from you know not
even respect form but just like rock and roll and it took us a lot of hard work
to get here so all that hatin and animosity between folks you need to kill it
with a skillet you don't see bill gates and donald trump arguing wit each other
cuz both of them got paper and the they got better shit to do get more paper so
all im sayin is lets take hip hop back to the rope follow me