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Альбом Meshuggah

obZen (07.03.2008)
. . .

No more ifs, no bias, no ambiguity
No wondering whether this is it
Clarity, so brightly shining
The image so painfully absolute

No edges blurred on this awareness
No unknown weight to tip the knowledge scales
Eyes dilated to grasp it all
As every illusion of what we are fails

An unquestionable picture, determined, complete
Its crystalline lines untouched by doubt
So vivid, so deprived of hesitation
Shining in its evil splendor

The burning hatred of man
A million degrees on display
Human voracity delineated
The demons in us all by fumes portrayed

Stare, see, take in, grasp
Comprehend, assimilate
Behold your reflection

The framing gold plated lies
The canvas hurting souls caught and weaved
The artist, the human dream
Incinerated, devoured, deceived

. . .

Humanity peeled from our bones
Deprived of integuments that make us real
Shadows of flesh to maintain the system
Our own blood splashes as we kneel

So meticulously machined
Into these obedient devices
Puppets, fine tuned, submissive drones
Replicas of each other, clones

We're dormant accumulations of flesh
In a crimson filtered twilight
Mute witnesses to the game
Wrenches to keep the bolts of lies tight

We're the fabric concealing the stains
The red tainted existence
The gullibles to bless your sins away
Rags to wipe your blooded trails

We give in to the atrophy
To the twining of self-thought knowledge
The purpose of the human mind reviled
Everlasting ignorance realized
The scarlet flood that inundates our powerless thoughts
Defenseless minds with the lies overfed

Every thought stained, defiled
Painted the color, the shade of electric red

. . .

Beams of fire sweep through my head
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Sensory receptors succumb
I'm no one now, only agony

My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
The ruby fluid of life unleashed

Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self

The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom

Malfunction the means for its ascent
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
So futile, any resisting tension
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth

The implement, the device of my extinction
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
The definitive scourge of its mockery
The end-art instruments, lethality attained

Heed, it commands, heed my will
Bleed, it says, bleed you will

Falling into the clarity of undoing
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion

A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Chanting softly the song of depletion

. . .

The void clenches its determined jaws
A lethargic, careless motion to kill
Monstrous, prodigious, indifferent
Slow and deliberate, its torturous skills

Its molars grind and shatter
Onerous, leaden bringers of hurt
Unhurried in its deadly intent
The undoer of all, dense and inert

Its design perfected through aeon's
Pure, immaculate, clean, omnicidal god machine

Calm, precise ambition
Untroubled by the roar of unending screams
The droning blare of absolute doom
The down pitched moan of collapsing dreams

Composed, cold, unconditional
Uncompromising till all is dead
Extinction, ruin, its malicious cause
Till the last exhalation of human breath

. . .

A state of perfection, immersed in filth
Equilibrium obtained
Pure in devotion to all things unwell
This sweet Zen of our ill condition sustained

A new belief-system
Salvation found in vomit and blood
Where depravation lies
Corruption, war and pain is God

Balance harmony
Found in the sickly
The vile unflinching eyes, joyous and gleaming
Intense in their need to watch things die

A new belief-system
Salvation found in vomit and blood
Where depravation lies
Corruption, war and pain is God

Decay, disgrace, disgust
Our state of Zen

The grime of contempt and degeneration
Sticky, foul and pungent
The sentiment of our creation
We flourish in this blood red soul

. . .

Reality, this spiteful snake
Rearing its ugly head
Venom dripping from its grin
As it tosses yet another obstacle in our way

Given a thousand years to collect
To process, to portray
We could never encompass the voracity
Of one single day

Trapping us in its winding
It's closing malignant cycles
A tightening coil to bind us
Hold us tight in unforgiving embrace

Its all engulfing jaws, infinite, boundless
Biting down on the dying flesh of hope
Its fiery breath leveling, dismantling
Flattening, tearing down the structures of our dreams

Overcome, defeated
Terrified, shivering, mute
Reality is terror
This truth is absolute

Reality, this spiteful snake
Shedding its smothering veil
A shroud to asphyxiate
Exterminate, eradicate

. . .

How come I shiver, hurt and bleed
If in dreams I cannot truly feel?
Who would dare say, who would claim
This hallucination isn't real?

Synoptical glitch looking glass
So enticing, real and free of lies
Prodigious, omnifarious
It nourishes, it feeds my starving eyes

Artificial, the catalyst, organic, its progeny
Voracious spectral offspring, so sweet in its hunger
Unbound this new vision, optical re-genesis
Threatening, so complete in beautiful deformity

These authoritive visions order my collective senses
My questioning, doubtful, rigid self to kneel
A Judas syndrome in effect, former self, the deceiver
Its denial, the wretched kiss that kept this in disguise

Cast off the concealing veil, the rational cloak of doubt
Torn off the restraints, the vile shackles
Burned away, the agony, the fear, the grief
A new set of eyes cleansed by a new belief

. . .

Drooling floods of led
Armed with distorted belief
Sharp munition spat from our minds
Malignancy rounds, automatic fire

Black, acidic bile
Seeping wounds of shattered souls
Still not pissing out fast enough
To quench our thirst for it to bleed us dry

Vile, ever menacing intent
Repulsive belligerence shot from toxic minds
Blatant disregard for all but self
Proudly flaunting the depravity of a race condemned, malign

Iterate, repeat these, my words
Recite the mantra of late
I will corrupt and impair
Vitiate, dispirit, debase, violate

Souls born with hateful intent
The deceitful spawn, descendants of lies
By the poisoned nails of history stung
If granted the will to injure, if granted the will to harm
The blades of hurt inexhaustibly swung

. . .

Listen to the hidden tune
The essence of lies in notes defined
As we dance to the dissonant sway
The choreography refined

Will, subdued and shackled
Reason washed aside
Pledging our love to the chains
Our ignorance ever amplified

Blooded hands lead the waltz
We're trapped in the out of tune swirl
Still we set the show on continue mode
And dance to a discordant system

We accept the nails we're fed
Lies sharpened to bleed us silent
Muted from the pains
Defiance employed in vain

Any attempts to leave the dance
Invisibly suppressed
Questions unasked, we learn the steps
Eyes shut like all the rest

Unsuspecting, willing, blind, controllable herd
Pawns in a covert game conducted by hands we trust
Dominated, compliant and deceptible
Confident that we matter, we don't see that we're but dust

Committed to a lie we cannot see
Cannot know nor comprehend
We're all asinine drones
Kept in the dark, kept in line

Confined, bereft of reason
Withering in toxicity
The deadly fumes of deceit
And we all reek of complicity

Humbled, brought to our knees
By the weight of our own guilt
Our nascent ways, the catalyst
To injustice and inhumanity

We dance to appease
Compete in stupidity

Obscured faces file our points
Numbers fed to the machine
Still we stand in line for the next show
The human spine liquefied
What are we but stupefied
Dancers to a discordant system

We believe, so we're misled
We assume, so we're played
We confide, so we're deceived
We trust, so we're betrayed

We believe, so we're misled
We assume, so we're played
We confide, so we're deceived
We trust, so we're betrayed

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