I have travelled past your window many times,
I find your face too hard to define,
I can't touch you hollow thing,
You plagued my mind,
I can never go outside,
I will never go back to being blind.
I have wondered what you're doing ever day since last I asked.
Are your cheeks hollow? I don't like your eyes dark
I need shine, I need shine, I need shine,
Step away from my light I need shine,
I am honest, no, not a shouter,
I am reformed, reborn and forgiven.
And you've been busy but you've missed me
And I've plagued your mind.
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
You will never go outside,
You will never go back to being blind.
I need shine, I need shine, I need shine,
Step away from my light, I need shine,
I need shine, I need shine, I need shine,
Step away from my light, I need shine.
I need shine, I need shine, I need shine,
Step away from my light I need shine,
I need shine I need shine, I need shine
Step away from my light I need shine.
Thanks to Ppppaula for these lyrics
Thanks to the one for these lyrics
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