Theres a halfman, half horse, as to still pollutes /runs my thoughts as he rides
on a flame in the sky.
He comes through the centuries with me on his entries.
The kids and the cats watch him fly.
Please catch that half horse as he murders my thoughts, with fragments of flames
Halfman, half horse as as to still pollutes my thoughts as he rides on a flame
in the sky
Foooour hoooorse meeeen tweeeentyyy
Klaxons not centaurs! (ooow)
Wont you please catch that horse as he murders my thoughts.
I'm left with the fragments and flames
Wont you please catch that horse as he murders my thoughts, I'm left with the
fragments and flames
Foooour hoooorse meeeen tweeeentyyy
Klaxons not centaurs!
Theres a halfman half horse as to rides true my thoughts as he rides on a flame
in the sky.
He comes through the centuries with me on his entries.
The kids and the cats watch him fly
Theres a halfman half horse as to still pollutes my thoughts as he rides on a
flame in the sky.
He comes through the centuries with me on his entries.
The kids and the cats watch him fly
Foooour hoooorse meeeen tweeeentyyy
Klaxons not centaurs!