Lord i've come a long way , And here's what i gotta Say
I've Paid but i had to Pay , To Play what i had to Play
I was Born in the Country , Strayed in to Town
And i'm Going Anywhere , To see what's Going Down
I've Seen Cowards and Hero's as Fast as The Wind
I Go Down any Road There is , To see what's Around The Bend
Girls I've Had Me a Few , Some were Small and Some were Cute
I've Tasted the Honey and Dew , Lord i will be with you
I was Born in The Country , Strayed in to Town
And I Go anywhere , To see what's going Down
I've Seen Coward's and Hero's as Fast as The Wind
I Go Down any Road there is , To see what's Around The Bend
You Let Me Rest My Weary Head , Weary Head
Let's Find Out , What This Life Is Before We're Dead
Before We're Dead
Lord i've come a long way , and here's what i had to say
I've Paid what i had to Pay , Lord Now i'm on my Way
I was Born in the Country , Strayed in to Town
And i go anywhere , To see what's going Down
I've seen Cowards and Hero's as Fast as The Wind
I Go Down any Road there is , To see what's Around The Bend