Meet me here
On November 11th, come alone.
Bring your mouth
& selective irreverence
we’ll both see stars. Just…
one more tongue kiss before the sky it falls
out from this cloud we’re hovering on!
(A kiss to send us off! A kiss to send us off! A kiss to send us off!)
Kill your doubt
With the coldest of weapons; confidence.
No more words
just the sound of resplendent
tongues colliding.
One more tongue kiss before the sky it falls
out from this cloud we’re hovering on!
(A kiss to send us off! A kiss to send us off! A kiss to send us off!)
Here I am
there you are
on a wire connecting our hearts
there’s a string
that is tied
to a kite.
There’s a storm
in the sky
now the clouds become electric.
Here I am
there you are.
Could I…
Have a…
Kiss to send us off? A Kiss to send us off! A kiss to send us off!
A Kiss to send us off! A kiss to send us off! A Kiss to send us off!