Light breaks on the horizon
the ebbing on the flood
finally out of the clutches
pick myself up from mud.
The scales fallen from my eyes now
dark clouds pass away
no bitter taste left in my mouth
and I can breathe again.
Can look myself in the mirror
while shaving you from my face
and I'll not be your victim
I've escaped.
All of my senses gave me good warning
every signal flashed alarm –
my mind slept under narcosis
for you seemed so soft and warm.
Well-schooled to be irresistible
your world's one of constant schemes
the mistress of deft seduction
too devious for me.
You tempted me beyond reason
as with relish you played your game
to your rules – double cross, deceit and shame
you toyed with me in many ways.
So close to falling
but by the skin of my teeth
at the very last moment
I've escaped you
from your spider's web I'm free.
You sucked the air out slowly from my lungs
with each new set of your desperate lies
with kisses you wove your sorcery...
I believed you time after time.
Filled my vains with a tempestuous madness
loved me till I was dizzy and blind
then froze me out with dispassion
you're poison of a deadly kind –
Deliberately you manoeuvred me
as your prey, the net was cast
and for your killer instinct the coup de grace
but that will never come...
So close to...
All your tricks just don't work now
I've learned to stand up straight
I've seen right through your cover just in time –
I won't see you again.
Love's not what I'd call it
whatever we're coming to:
we're going round in circles
it's pointless now, to tell the truth
you're always (so) understanding
of everyone you think the best
since you say I'm nearly perfect
even my rage is meaningless.
Now your friendliness drives me crazy
my nerves are on edge with you
sapping the strength from my spirit – you're just too good, too good to be true.
At first I was captivated
by your warmth and kindliness
now I know you're just a coward
you won't face an argument
always slipping through my fingers
never even take a side
agree with all my opinions
even when you know they're lies.
Like some flabby punchbag
you absorb my every blow
I kick you, beat you, bite you: you just shrug it off with one more “i know”.
Your love's like glue, you're driving me insane
cotton-wool sweet talk, treacle clogging up my brain
some kind of torture, how very sweet you are
sugar in my fuel tank so I can't go too far
you're just too pure for me to endure.
My jaws are clamped together
I'll grind my teeth to points for sure
I know you want the best of me
but I'm not giving any more
you dog my heels and track me
you're always on my tail
like chinese water torture
good nature must prevail.
No point in trying any harder
I've seen right through your 'love'...
it only gives me goose-bumps
to feel the touch of your soft kid gloves.
No point now in coming from your corner
talking's useless as my mouth goes slack
and you've coated me in honeyed
words of flattery
but this time I really mean it
I'm at my wits' end with your act...
I kiss you hard, as hard as I can
the camera above is zooming in
get as excited as you like
but don't you smudge my make-up.
You're lying here in my embrace
you're completely naked, I'm stripped to the waist...
don't you overdo it with the kiss
I sing the chorus after this.
Camera is focused on your leg
your body heat will make the TV sweat
with my hand a limpet on your ass
this video will be high class.
Now this scene is in the can
you're standing in the corner in your leather pants
and in slow motion all the buttons pop
in close-up it's a super shot
stilletto heels and bright red lips
you're going to make my song a hit.
Oh, young blood, you're going to do my record good
your pouting mouth, your cleavage full
this is Rock'n'Roll
the tears are streaming down your face
'cos I'm gone though you begged me to stay
that's the way it goes in every classic video.
Now the scene moves to the lift
the poison blonde, you're my birthday gift
and your thighs are wrapped all around my hips
the bump and grinding's such a trip.
My guitar is in my hand
I'm pressing up against you, you can barely stand
I've got to play a solo now and then
don't look straight into the lens.
Your eyes are locked upon my face
you've never seen anything so great
and the lift heaves up and down the shaft
to prove how long my love will last
you're stripping off your clothes, my god
you love it when I sing so hard.
Now you're climbing back into your bra
so stunned to see the way that I can play guitar.
He ripped the film for her
her life stopped in its tracks
and there's no-one she can talk to about it...
it's driving her mad.
A lifetime ago, but the panic
and paralysis are still gripping her now
the mad stare, clenched-up fists, panting stale breath
are still here, and she's still in his power.
She has tried to put her dreams back together
and to set herself free
she has waited so long for forgiveness...
the years show no mercy
this wound time won't heal.
Walking on splintered glass:
keeping silent, that's what she can't stand
she's still helpless in the hands of the giant
can't betray the family man.
Night falls, too quiet for comfort
her soul shivers with disgust
her blood freezes at the sudden dark memory
of his pent-up obscene brutal lust.
Ihr Gesicht kennt kein Geheimnis
krause Nase, Ohren stehen auf Sturm
Blicke blind vor Vergnügen
entwaffnend, turbulent in sich ruhend
unbeschwert positiv, Golfstrom für gefrorene Seelen
geballte Energie, sprengt jedes Problem.
Dreist mit der Welt im Gleichklang
Trübsinn chancenlos
unwiderstehlich verwunschen
übersprudelnder samtsanfter Trost
du stahlblaues Licht, tollkühne Lust zum Leben
himmlisches Geschenk, kosmisches Sonnen-Phänomen.
Du läßt Gefühle überlaufen
mit geheimnissvoller Magie
du läßt allen Ärger abtauchen
heillose Euphorie, Marie.
Jeder Millimeter Wahnsinn
zu weich um wahr zu sein
Frischzelle vehementes Wunder
machst mich schwach, alles unwichtig und klein
übermütige Natur, Frontalangriff auf graue Launen
unnachahmlich stur, ansteckend gelassener Traum.
Dein Kopf an meiner Schulter macht süchtig
jede Faser Zauberchemie
hemmungslos offen, von deinem lässigen Frieden besiegt
hast mich fest im Griff.
They saunter past, neck-tied, suited and briefcased
departure gates flooded in indecent haste
too big for their boots
they're all too big for their boots
they're ready and waiting, get their eyes peeled
eager to bid, to make a cheap deal
jovial figures, jovial characters.
They make the system tick, grease the palm...
everything's on offer
they make the system tick, always got the right note
ready in their hands.
Nothing counts except
hard cash, how much do you want for that?
the world has come up for sale
hard cash, the east has been knocked out flat
capital is in full sail.
These off-the-peg jokers show no hesitation
they're tough as nails, vanguard of the nation
feel nothing under their fat
feel nothing under their fat
greasy wads flashed before you know it
any pause for reflection would surely blow it
would blow the quick deal
blow the hard-headed deal.
Western-widesceen, quick on the draw
in unequal showdown
western-widesceen, the golden horsemen
ride into the sunset once again.
Nothing left except
hard cash, how much do you want for that?
here's to the German Mark
hard cash, the east has been knocked out flat
capital, the school of sharks.
Time is cash, the rest is trash
morals are bogus
getting ready for the bright new world
let's make the money our focus
no more sentiment...
Nothing left except
hard cash, how much do you want for that?
Here's to the German Mark
hard cash, the east has been laid out cold
swallowed by the school of sharks.
Hard cash, no one can stop it now
borders are over-run
hard cash, how much is the world?
That's how the deal is done.
Alle Welt auf Droge
Städte im Schönheitsschlaf
Passagiere schlürfen eifrig Austern
gepflegt heißt die Parole
gediegen gewinnt die Wahl
hier ist alles sauber, Frohsinn ist angesagt.
Wir drehen uns um uns selbst,
denn was passiert, passiert
wir wollen keinen Einfluß
wir werden gern regiert
hör auf hier zu prädigen
hör auf mit der Laberei
wir feiern hier 'ne Party
und du bist nicht dabei.
Zweifel ertrinken bei uns in Champagner
und dem Kopf hilft Kokain
die Träume werden leider immer kleiner
nur wer überlebt, ist auch auserwählt.
Umgeben uns nur mit Kashmir und mit Seide
alle Wünsche sind erfüllt
Ideale verkauft, Hoffnungen Hirngespinste
Luxus ist das, was uns zusammenhält.
Die Lok auf der Hauptstrecke,
Seitengleise stillgelegt,
Warnsignale werden überfahren.
Gehetzt wird jeder,
der dem Rausch im Wege steht
Soll erfüllt, vereint und immer mehr allein.
Who will lend you ready cash?
all your old friends
who will want it back like that?
all your good friends.
Who will keep your secrets safe
put all of their problems on your plate?
all your good friends.
Who can see the real you?
all your old friends
who sticks their oar in everything you do?
all your good friends.
Who helps you fill the pool coupons in
but then won't pay you when you win?
all good friends do
your good old friends do.
They're always there to count on
they'd do anything for you
oh, if only there were time
you'd surely miss them
they talk without a pause for breath
with all the latest gossip
until your ears go deaf.
Who has always believed in you?
all your good friends
they never said, they just thought you knew...
all your good friends.
They've known you since you were knee-high
as they tell every passer-by...
all your friends here, your good old friends here.
When you're past the worst of it
you only want to life it up a bit –
they come to you then with deals to sign
because you all have a real good time
oh, they're always at the door
oh, they're always going to let you know the score
oh, you and your girlfriend just can't be alone
they're at the entry-phone!
Like a stone I drop through the breaking storm
up through the star-filled sky I soar
still more, I want more.
Left out in the cold and in fever's grip
then your warmth returns, it's the strangest trip
I want more, still more.
I'm enruptured and bathed in blinding light
thunder rolls under the covers tonight
come here, I want more.
In the pillows I'm smothered, a crime of lust
now I'm reborn by your love, and I must
have more, still more.
At the limit, my heartbeat a pounding drum
I'm lost in the fog, then the clear light comes
I want more.
Utterly peaceful in your hand
fires extinguished, then flames again
come here, I want more, throw me off the rails.
Show me the way
however far
shoot me over the zenith
do what you must
don't spare me
don't hold back anything
I never will be cured
I want still more
more cannot be enough.
Seas are rising, moon blood-red
volcanoes erupt on the ocean bed
I want more, still more.
Gyroscopes spinning behind my eyes
feel like I'm weightless,
far beyond space and time.
I'm struck by lightning, heart attack
your kiss of life will bring me back
come here, I want more, clear through paradise.
Stay here, don't go away
I need so much more from you
nurse me in sickness and in health
you can stand me on the burning bridge.
It's head on love, leave me no way out
take me far beyond the edge
deliver me, I yearn so much
I'm exploding with my feelings now...