Текст песни "Tornado Time In Texas" |

well the sky was blacker than a funeral suit
hotter than a depot stove
hide in the cellar
here comes amarillo
blowin down the road
ya got yer hail stones big as hen eggs boy
yer clouds as green can be
old mother natures raisin hell
she parked a pickup in a tree
tornado time in texas
take the paint right off of your barn
tornado time in texas
blow the tattoo off your arm
well when pigs fly,no I mean really fly
you can bet that it's blowin hard
uncle clarence was sittin in the outhouse
now he's sitting in the yard
granny's got the barn cat under her arm
she's got a dish pan over her head
Daddy's countin kids four five six
better bring a loaf of bread
tornado time in texas
take the paint right off of your barn
tornado time in texas
blow the tattoo off your arm
hidin in the cellar with the cannin jars
sounds like a train up top
hold your breath and peek outside
to see what we ain't got
it'll take your wheat,it'll take your corn
even take your cotton balls
suck red river just as dry as a bone
dump it on wichitaw falls
tornado time in texas
take the paint right off of your barn
tornado time in texas