Because I shit myself, yes I shit myself, because I got wrecked up
and then I shit myself.
Because I shit myself, yes I shit myself, because I got wrecked up
and then I shit myself.
Don't front, you better check your back
How can you be down when your pants are full of cack?
You thought you'd fart, the shit did dart
The mouth of the ringpiece was fuckin torn apart
It's not your fault, you thought you'd be ok
Cos every motherfukcer farts at least twice a day
In public or at home in the bath
those little brown bubbles always make me fuckin laugh
But right now, you use a scarf
To wipe the shit that made Mike Balls laugh
He said "Oh son, you fukcin drew mud the next thing I know my
ringpiece starts to cough up blood"
Because I shit myself, yes I shit myself, because I got wrecked up
and then I shit myself.
I grab the mike, I never put it down
My ringpiece stretches, I start to frown
I'm feelin' shitty, my arse is going mad
I'm fukced up from a curry I had
It was too runny, too much fukcin cream
My ringpice starts to stream
It goes down, the back of my leg
Next thing I know I'd be better off dead.
Because I shit myself, yes I shit myself, because I got wrecked up
and then I shit myself.
It wasn't fun, I had a bad bum
It's not good, when you gets the runs
You know you shit yourself, you know you shit yourself