In our world, Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds.
11 Million children die every year of mal-nutrition.
(To all new arrivals, welcome)
In our world, 15 Million children have been orphaned by AIDS.
30,000 children die of preventable causes every day.
(To all new arrivals, welcome)
In our world, 2 million children are working in the sex trade this moment.
1.1 Billion people in the world, earn less than a dollar a day.
To All New Arrivals
We love you
We would die for you
Kill for you
To All New Arrivals
We love you
We would die for you
Kill for you
Welcome, welcome, welcome
If there's a god,
Be aware
I'm a man newly made
My son rise here
And only of him
Am I afraid
And I gaze into that face
I can see that it is true
I created him
And we created you
In his image
To All New Arrivals
We love you
We would die for you
Kill for you
To All New Arrivals
We love you
We would die for you
Kill for you
To All New Arrivals
We love you
We would die for you
Kill for you
You're welcome, welcome, welcome.....