Music: Nikola Perevski
Arranger: Diran Tavitjan
Lyrics: Vladimir Krstevski
Vetar mi nosi spomeni
od edno vreme
{to se ~ini tolku dale~no
no sega se smeni
se izgubi sjaj, neli!
Ajde probaj zamisli si za mig
edno mesto, edno par~e zemja na jug
mo`e za tebe da bide raj
toa znaj od nas zavisi
Snegot {to vee
vo mene gree stara qubov
{to mi dava `elba za `ivot
no pak }e se svrti
trkaloto znam, neli!
Ajde probaj zamisli si za mig
edno mesto, edno par~e zemja na jug
mo`e za tebe da bide raj
toa znaj od nas zavisi
English translation:
The wind carries memories of a time.
That seems so far away.
It holds me tenderly and yet it marks the end, isn't it?
Can you imagine, even for a moment,
A place, a piece of land.
Where someone will grieve for you forever alone.
The falling snow brings memories of an old love.
Urging me to go on living.
It caresses me tenderly and yet marks the end, isn't it?
Can you imagine, even for a moment,
A place, a piece of land on the south.
Where someone will grieve for you forever alone.