[Dizzee Talkin]
Laid back
Still live-o, get me?
Tryin’ a do my best man (clear)
We’re real round here
Get me Wiley?
Roll Deep on live
Uh, live-o
Look Yo,
I’m just sittin’ here
I aint sayin’ much I just think
And my eyes don’t move left or right, they just blink
I think too deep
And I think too long
Plus I think I’m gettin’ weak
‘Cos my thoughts are too strong
I’m just sittin’ here
I aint sayin’ much I just gaze
I’m lookin’ into space while my CD plays
I gaze quite a lot
In fact I gaze always
And if I blaze
Then I’ll just gaze away my days
‘Cos it’s the same old story
Shotters, runners, katz and money stacks
‘Cos it’s the same old story
Ninja bikes, gunfights and scary nights
It’s the same old story
Window tints and gloves for fingerprints
It’s the same old story
Police investigate, now that area’s bate
‘Cos it was only yesterday
We was playin’ football in the street (remember man)
It was only yesterday
None of us could ever come to harm
It was only yesterday
Life was a touch more sweet
Now I’m sittin’ here
Thinkin’ Wha gwan?
Wha gwan (get me wha gwan)
(I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here)
Look, Yo,
I’m just sittin’ here
I aint sayin’ much, I just watch
I really don’t feel like movin’, so I cotch
I watch all around
I watch every detail
I watch so hard I’m scared my eyes might fail
I’m just sittin’ here
I aint sayin’ much I just smile
It’s funny ‘cos I havent bus’ a smile for a while
I’ll smile for a minute
And I’m smilin’ for an hour
I’m scared ‘cos its sweet, but it could turn sour
‘Cos it’s the same old story
Choong intelligent yats in hostel flats
It’s the same old story
Benefit claims and cheques in false names
It’s the same old story
Students truant, learn the streets fluent
It’s the same old story
Strange, there’s no sign of positive change
‘Cos it was only yesterday
We were standing firmly on our feet
It was only yesterday
Girls were innocent, they kept us calm
It was only yesterday
There was less bobbies on the beat
Now I’m sittin’ here
Thinkin’ Whaa gwaan
Whaa gwaan (whaa gwaan)
(I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here)
(You better listen to this last verse, get me?)
I’m just sittin’ here
I aint sayin much I’m just vex (shame)
I’ve seen a lot of bullshit, I wonder what’s next
I’m vex at humanity
Vex at the earth
I keep gettin’ vex ‘till I think what’s the worth
I’m just sittin’ here
I aint sayin’ much I feel deprived
I’m sittin’ here depressed, and I don’t know why
I try to pull myself together
Tell myself “fix up”
And I keep myself from bawlin’, but my eyes will erupt
‘Cos it’s the same old story
Crazy boys keep getting’ on my nerves
It’s the same old story
Police don’t give me no peace
It’s the same old story
Friends slowly driftin’ from the endz
It’s the same old story
Sussed, there’s nobody I can trust
‘Cos it was only yesterday
After school we’d come outside, we’d meet
It was only yesterday
It was all love back then
It was only yesterday
Every sunny day was a treat
Now I’m sittin’ here
Thinkin’ Whaa gwaan
Whaa gwaan (whaa gwaan)
(I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here
Yo, I’m just sittin’ here)