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Dead Can Dance
Dead Can Dance

Откуда Melbourne, Australia
Жанры World music
Ethereal Wave
Gothic Rock
Годы 1981—2005
Лейблы Atlantic Records
Rhino Records
См. также Lisa Gerrard
Сайт Website
Lisa Gerrard
Brendan Perry
Бывшие участники
Simon Monroe
Paul Erikson
Peter Ulrich

Альбом Dead Can Dance

A Passage In Time (1991)
The Garden Of Zephirus
The Host Of Seraphim
The Writing On My Father's Hand
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With one wish we wake the will within wisdom
With one will we wish the wisdom within waking
Woken, wishing, willing

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John Francis Dooley
Wipe the sleep from your eyes
And embrace the light
You have slept now
For a thousand years
Beneath starless nights
And now it's time for you
To renounce the old ways
And see a new dawn rise

In former days
Masks were raised
When the god came down
Drom off of the mountain
And the sacrifice was made
For he knew the day of wrath
Was fast approaching
Just like yesterday before the war

John Francis Dooley
The scapegoat has run
All our sins are disowned
And now it's time for you
To take off your mask
And cross the Rubicon

If you and I were one
Within the eyes of our designs
It would still not change
The fact of our leaving
For tonight we must leave
With the first gentle breeze
For the Isles Of Ken
We are assailing

Just like Ullyses
On an open sea
On an odyssey
Of self discovery

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The Garden Of Zephirus

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Saloman hung down her head, laid bare her heart
For the world to see, she craved for intimacy
Through darkened doors her aspect veiled with indecision
Gazed out to sea, she craved lucidity

Cast adrift from past relationships in her life
Hoisted up the ideal, this was her saving grace
Sea's of rage that once assailed her concern for the truth
Had passed her by and left her high and dry
In her saviour's arms...(x4)

Across the sea lies the fountain of renewal
Where you will see the whole cause of your lonliness
Can be measured in dreams that transcend all these lies
And I wish and I pray that there may come a day
For a saviour's arms...(x4)

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The Host Of Seraphim

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We scaled the face of reason
To find at least one sign
That could reveal the true dimensions
Of life lest we forget

And maybe it's easier to withdraw from life
With all of it's misery and wretched lies
Away from harm

We lay by cool still waters
And gazed into the sun
And like the moth's great imperfection
Succumbed to her fatal charm

Any maybe it's me who dreams unrequited love
The victim of fools who watch and stand in line
Away from harm

In our vain pursuit of life for one's own end
Will this crooked path ever cease to end

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The Writing On My Father's Hand

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The birds of leaving call to us
Yet here we stand
Endowed with the fear of flight
Over land, the winds of change consume the land
While we remain in the shadow of summers now past
When all the leaves have fallen and turned to dust
will we remain entrenched within our ways
The plague that moves throughout this land
Omen signs in the shapes of things to come
Tomorrow's child is the only child
Tomorrow's child is the only child

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Al jorn del judici
Parrá qui haurá fet servici

Un rei vendrá perpetual
Vestit de nostra carn mortal
Del cel vindrá tot certament
Per fer del segle jutjament

Ans que el judici no será
Un gran senyal se mostrará
Lo sol perdrá lo resplendor
La terra tremirá de por

Aprés se badará molt fort
Amostrant-se de greu conhort
Mostrar-se han ab crits i trons
Les infernals confusions

Del cel gran foc davallará
Com a sofre molt pudirá
La terra cremará ab furor
LyricsLa gent haurá molt gran terror

Aprés será un fort senyal
D'un terratrémol general
Les pedres per mig se rompran
I les muntanyes se fondran

Llavors ningù tindrá talent
D'or, riqueses ni argent
Esperant tots quina será
La senténcia que es dará

De morir seran tots sos talents
Esclafir-los han totes les dents
No hi haurá home que no plor
Tot lo mo'n será en tristor

Los puigs i plans seran iguals
Alli seran los bons i mals
Reis, ducs, comtes i barons
Que de llurs fets retran raons

Aprés vindrá terriblement
Lo fill de de'u omnipotent
De morts i vius judicará
Qui be' haurá fet alli es parrá

Los infants qui nats no seran
Dintre ses mares cridaran
I diran tots plorosament
"Ajuda'ns, de'u omnipotent"

Mare de de'u, pregau per no's.
Puix so'u mare de pecadors
Que bona senténcia hajam
I paradis possejam

Vosaltres tots qui escoltau
Devotament a de'u pregau
De cor ab gran devocio'
Que us porte a salvacio

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Fortune presents gifts not according to the book
Fortune presents gifts not according to the book

When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles

What various paths are followed in distributing honours and possesions
She gives awards to some and penitent's cloaks to others

When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles

Sometimes she robs the chief goatherd of his cottage and and goatpen
And to whomever she fancies the lamest goat has born two kids

When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles

Because in a village a poor lad has stolen one egg
He swings in the sun and another gets away with a thousand crimes

When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles

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If it were within, within our power
Beyond the reach of slavish pride
To no longer harbour grievances
Behind the mask's opportunist's facade
We could welcome the responsibility
Like a long lost friend
And re-establish the kingdom of laughter
In the dolls house once again
For time has imprisoned us in the order of our years
In the discipline of our ways
And in the passing of momentary stillness
We can see our chaos in motion, our chaos in motion
We can see our chaos in motion
View our chaos in motion
And the subsequent collisions of fools
Well versed in the subtle art of slavery

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I thought I'd found a reason to live
Just like before when I was a child
Only to find dreams made of sand
Would just fall apart and slip through my hands
But the spirit of life keeps us strong
And the spirit of life is the will to carry on
Adversity what have I done to you
To cause this reclusive silence
That has come between me and you
And the spirit of life remains in light
And the spirit of life remains inside
I never thought it would be quite like this
Living outside of mutual bliss
But as long as the veins in our arm still stand up
The spirit of life will keep living on

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