Soda pop, lets get busy
Sooooodaaa pop
Drink some of my fizzy
Soda pop, lets get busy
Sooooodaaa pop
Drink some of my fizzy
sitting hangin wit pretty mamas
That think they are all that
With their pretty faces and their big
but their fronts all flat
I like a girl all full of plump
dont care if her boobs are fake
She better taste fine when i go to
down on her lady cake
cake, piece of cake, on a plate
Thats a metaphor for your puni
I want your puni, on my face
It tastes quite nice, but your a
I dont care for tits, you boobless
Your body'll do just fine
I like your face
your chin is ace
what do you think of mine?
Mine has a beard on it
that i designed
i used a pen
I used me mind
i used me mind
to design my beard
i used a pen
'thats reet'
Thats how confident i was
pu pu pa teee
pu ptee
pum pum pa teee
weee dekk all dekkly
Im looking for a guy thats proper bo
Make love for 7 days
Up the front and round the back
all kinds of different ways
Im a girl your a boy
do you fancy a one night stand?
forget the talk, get straight to sex
coz my converstations bland, really
Big busters
Small busters
no busters
ghost busters!!!!
I aint afraid of no cake!!
who you gonna call?