Á sudrænum sólskinsdegi
Eg sá thig, o ástin mín, fyrst
Thú settist hjá mér í sandinn
Thá var sungid og fadmad og kysst
Drukkid, dansad og kysst
Tondeleyo, tondeleyo.
Aldrei gleymast mér augun thín svörtu
Og aldrei slógu tvö gladari hjörtu
Tondeleyo, Tondeleyo,
Hve áhyggjulaus og alsæll
í örmun thínum ég lá
Og oft hef ég elskad sídan
En aldrei jafnheitt eins og tha
Aldrei jafn-eldheitt sem thá
Ævilangt hefdi ég helzt viljad sofa
Vid hlid thér í dálitlum svertingjakofa
Á sudrænum sólskinsdegi
Eg sá thig, o ástin mín, fyrst
Thú settist hjá mér í sandinn
Thá var sungid og fadmad og kysst
Drukkid, dansad og kysst
Tondeleyo, tondeleyo.
Aldrei gleymast mér augun thín svörtu
Og aldrei slógu tvö gladari hjörtu
Tondeleyo, Tondeleyo,
Hve áhyggjulaus og alsæll
í örmun thínum ég lá
Og oft hef ég elskad sídan
En aldrei jafnheitt eins og tha
Aldrei jafn-eldheitt sem thá
Ævilangt hefdi ég helzt viljad sofa
Vid hlid thér í dálitlum svertingjakofa
On a tropical sunny day
I saw you, my love, for the first
You sat by my side on the sand
We sang, hugged and kissed
Drank, danced and kissed
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo
Never can I forget your dark eyes
And never were two hearts happier
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo
So carefree and ecstatic
As in your arms I lay
Oft have I loved since
But never as strongly
Never as torridly as then
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo
Rather would I have spent my life
Lying at your side in a native-hut
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo
On a tropical sunny day
I saw you, my love, for the first
You sat by my side on the sand
We sang, hugged and kissed
Drank, danced and kissed
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo
Never can I forget your dark eyes
And never were two hearts happier
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo
So carefree and ecstatic
As in your arms I lay
Oft have I loved since
But never as strongly
Never as torridly as then
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo
Rather would I have spent my life
Lying at your side in a native-hut
Tondeleyo, - Tondeleyo