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Альбом Beatsteaks

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You think you could be part of them,
You listen supposed the same shit
You think new clothes can change your life
And that's enough to be a part of it
But there is something you've forgot
Or something you've misunderstood
It turns around about how you think,
Not round how you look,

You're unminded,
Is it you in the mirror or someone else?
You're unminded,
Is it you in the mirror or someone else?

You think we must respect you,
Respect you how you are
You foremost must respect each other,
Though he doesn't think like you
And if you ain't got it yet,
What it's all about,
I have one thing that i must tell you:
You suck, you suck!

You're unminded,
Is it you in the mirror or someone else?
you're unminded,
Is it you in the mirror or someone else?

Is it you in the mirror
Or someone else?
Is it you in the mirror
Or someone else?
Is it you in the mirror
Or someone else?
Is it you in the mirror

. . .

Ich frag mich oft, wie wird es sein,
mit wem bin ich zusammen, oder bin ich allein?
Die Frage nach dem Sinn - hör auf damit!
Die Sache ist so alt und Du kaust damit!
Doch mal im Ernst überlegst Du nie,
wie werd ich aussehn, werd ich'n Spie'ervieh?
Ich glaube, Nein! - und wenn es so wäre?
Dann hast Du was verpeilt in Deiner eigenen Sphäre.

Fragen, die sich jeder stellt
was mach ich heut, was morgen
Fragen, um die sich alles dreht
denn wer weiß schon wie's weiter geht.
Es bringt nichts sie zu hinterfragen,
denn niemand kann Dir wirklich sagen:
wo fährt es hin, wann hört es auf,
wie nimmt das Schicksal seinen Lauf?

21 Jahre alt und schon so planlos
ja steh ich denn im Wald?
Ohne Ziel ist das auch so'n Ding Mann
ja, ja ich weiß, es liegt alles bei mir Mann.
Es ist trotzdem ein Scheiß Gefühl, nicht zu wissen,
lohnt sich überhaupt die Müh'. Ja Alter!
So ist das Leben - eben -
die Ungewissheit wird es immer geben!

Fragen, die sich jeder stellt
was mach ich heut, was morgen zählt?
Fragen, um die sich alles dreht,
denn wer weiß schon wie's weitergeht.
Es bringt nichts zu hinterfragen,
denn niemand kann Dir wirklich sagen:
wo führt es hin, wann hört es auf,
wie nimmt das Schicksal seinen Lauf?

. . .

Why you not...
Fucking religion is a bloody trail,
A promise which will fail,
It's the way of torture the way of pain,
Disease in your brain
They say the church's poor but she's rich,
More rich than you know
For money they protect your soul,
For a heaven you don't know
Why you don't think about what you believe in?
Why you do submit youself?
Why you don't think about what you can trust?
Why you undermine yourself?
Why you not - destroy religion in your head?
There is - a life before death!
Destroy religion in your head!
There is - a life before death!
Freedom of confidience is only a word,
Why it doesn't count for all?
Why they abuse the faith of the people
For ignorance about it all?
War - in the name of religion
Wrong gods - absurd positions
Forbidden - to protect yourself and AIDS they say is a punishment of God!
Why you don't think about what you believe in?
Why you do submit yourself?
Why you don't think about what you can trust?
Why you undermine yourself?
Why you not - destroy religion in your head?
There is - a life before death!
Destroy religion in your head!
There is - a life before death!

. . .

different ways
i can't believe this could be the end,
but we've spoken these words?
i remember everything-it hurts,
why do you simply walk away
who's different now?
it's not what you said before,
not what you said before!
hey, what do you think now?
maybe, you say the same!
anyway - we go different ways,
we have different friends in different places
and i wonder why
it's not what you said before,
not what you said before!
you turn away, away from me!

. . .

Der Steffi, der spielt Schlagzeug und er fuhrt den Taktstock.
Und er ist meistens Schuld, wenn da mal der Takt stockt.
Da druben steht der Bernd, von Kopf bis Fu' jehackt.
Die Klampfe is'n Nachbau, ziemlich abjefuckt.
Die Macholeadgitarre, die bedient der Peter.
In jedem Lied, jedet Solo verdrehta.

Ma singta, ma schreita, dit is Arnim unsa Sanger,
Steht hier neben mir, macht'n harten is 'n Hanger.
In unsa geilen Band ham wir einen Bassplayer,
Der steht neben Manowar ziemlich dolle auf Slayer.
Jeder einzelne is ne Null, nur zusamm sind wir komplett,
Sind nich die Rolling Stones, nich Kreator, nich Roxette,

Wir komm aus Berlin, aus nem dunklen Kelleeer
Ejal, wie Ihr det findet, da komm wa nu ma her!

. . .

you always see the negative,
you always say, the world is shit,
you make me angry, you make me blind,
what the fuck, did you expext?

4x get out of my way!

your attitude is very cool
you're nothing but a dumb shit fool
this is my life and i have no time for this,
so leave me the fuck alone!

4x get out of my way!

13x get out of my way!

. . .

Jogginghose buntgefleckt,
Golds-gym-t-shirt reingesteckt,
Angst macht dir keiner mehr,
Denn mit Hundchen bist du wer!
Eigentlich tust du mir so richtig leid!
Doch heut nehm ich mir mal für dich Zeit!

Wenn ich höre, wie du redest, wird mir schlecht!
Wenn ich seh, wie du dich umsiehst, wird mir schlecht!
Wenn ich merk, wie du mich abcheckst, wird mir schlecht
Mir wird schlecht!
Mir wird schlecht!

Du bist ein Abklatsch von dir selbst!
Auch wenn dir das jetzt nicht gefällt!
Ich weiss, du hörst mir gar nicht zu,
Denn keiner ist so cool, so cool wie du!

. . .

woke up this morning, it's the same old thing:
brother against brother, it's a normal thing,
government's corrupt, i see the homeless on the streets,
the rich get richer, the poor get hungry,
no respect for human life, no respect for mother earth,
and you're still asking me,why i'm so bitter, so bitter an angry?

this is me against the world,
this is me against the whole wide world.

i go to bed, it's the same old thing:
brother against brother, it's a normal thing,
government's corrupt, i see the homeless on the streets,
the rich get richer, the poor get hungry,
no respect for human life, no respect for mother earth,
and you're still asking me,why i'm so bitter, so bitter an angry?

this is me against the world,
this is me against the whole wide world.

this is me against the world,
this is me against the whole wide world.

. . .

I see an old man on the street,
without shoes and nothing to eat.
I ask myself, can this happen to me,
whose's the one, who cares about these threat?
what a fuck is going on?
ignorance and “take it gone”!
sorrow is a normal thing,
silence about suffering.
sad but true, we're still looking around,
we can't help, cause we're indefferent!
is it the fear, that happens the same to us,
to make us blind
a little girl is walking next me,
I see her little swollen face.
I think she's taling to her mother and I hear:
“daddy is angry in these days”
what the fuck is going on?
ignorance and “take it gone”!
sorrow is a normal thing,
silence about suffering.
sad but true, we're still looking around,
we can't help, cause we're indifferent!
is it the fear, that happens the same to us,
to make us blind.
we close our eyes and it happens everyday.

. . .

Sknird tlak nereivres: Sknird nessüm tgnidebnu tlak treivres
nedrew! Sthcin tsi remmilhcs sla nie remrawual knird!
ereivres Eis blahsed: - mi netlhükegrov Salg enho Sie, - tim
Nlefrüwsie, - tim dehsurc eci. Eid Sknird nessüm hcan red
Gnutierebuz trofos neknurteg nedrew-hcsirf dnu lhük! Eis
netllos thcin nehetsmureh!

. . .

This room, this face,
I'm alone in this goddam place.
You're gone, I'm here,
Who's moving forward, who's feeling guilty?
Where is all the love we had?
Where is all the love we cared?
So I'm supposed to say is simple
You walk away and I'm in this big black hole,
I'm feeling helpless all the time
You walk away and I'm in this big black hole,
I'm feeling helpless all the time
I'm broke, I'm empty,
Your smell is still in this room.
I'm a little monster, waiting for reasons, for reasons
Why do you leave me here alone?
Why do you leave me here alone?
You walk away and I'm in this big black hole,
I'm feeling helpless all the time
You walk away and I'm in this big black hole,
I'm feeling helpless all the time

. . .

look around, look around
we're all machines,
destroy ourselves,
there's no one else, there's no one else,
who tell it like it is,
we have no time, we have no time
for stupid people with ignorant mind,
open your eyes and realize,
you have one life and live your dream!
i'm afraid and sick, if i see your disillusion -
i see your disillusion
i'm afraid and sick, if i see your disillusion -
i see your disillusion
give yourself, yourself a chance,
don't make the biggest mistake in your life
believe in yourself,
do your thing
and give a fuck about what other says
trust real friends,
real friends, real friends,
you know, what i mean?
open your eyes and realize,
you have one life and live your dream!
i'm afraid and sick, if i see your disillusion -
i see your disillusion
i'm afraid and sick, if i see your disillusion -
i see your disillusion

you disgust me - disgust me -
you disgust me - disgust me -
you disgust me - disgust me -
you disgust me!

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