From the time she could crawl she was all draped in macrame
She was preened and redeemed in a church that tried to show the way
She was taught to never ask for more
They had no idea of what she had in store
She's the queen of the 21st century
Just a ghost of what her parents thought a little girl should be
Analog heart, analog nerves, analog brain
but a fixture of the digital domain
From the time she could read she could see that there was urgency
No debate, just a spate of ignorance in a splintering community
She could never meet their expectations
Then she came to symbolize the nation
She's the queen of the 21st century
Just a shred of what her parents thought a little girl should be
Steeped in spite, coddled in fear, drenched in novelty
but masterful at sensual technology
She's the queen, no rules in her empire
She's the queen, just libido and desire
She's the lean, mean, fighting machine, the stuff of modernmedia lore
And she always knows the score
She's the queen of the 21st century
Just a ghost of what her parents thought a little girl should be
Fallen star, Black and Blue
Broken hearts, Wasted Youth
Rusted cars, twisted roots
Mental scars, the ugly truth
She's the queen of the 21st century
and she's a modernday polemic
a walking controversy
She's the queen!