(Eminem) This gettin outta
hand;Forget the Hook, staright
(50 Cent)
I got ya
Come On...
Yo Ja quit it, your raps are ova
You aren't even good friends no
more with homie J-Hova
We all hate u, man "f" your label
You think You got drugs but Your
"crack" was left on the table
Smoke it Ja, Go on inhale
All i need is a gun to fuckin make bail
Yayo's comin home soon, better
It's G-Unit man guns will do better
than cut your hair
Think u swallow X huh, what does it
look like?
Mr.Gangsta thinks he needs to
smoke to be gangsta, u aint cook
Vita, u bia, your rhymes are pretty
And Irv you're not Suge stop tryin to
deal crack
My guns bullets are 9mm, bigger
than your dick
If i want old scool i'll shoot Slick Rick
I'm now and 4-ever man let it be
Go cry to ur mom, Atkins...Before
she too is gone (gunshots)
Murda!!!!No we just dont care
Enter the G-Unit dungeon the
Aftermath Lair
(Eminem) Enuff of This candy rap, Ja
Rule. You know you're gay when
you put out a song like Mesmerize.
(beat change to Mesmerize beat)
(50 Cent)
You're Gay, Yo're a Fag, I hate it
when you try and Diss me
Bring It, Come On You're trying to
rap with 50
It's a whole different game being in
the hip-hop scene
Venni Vetti Vecci was good, but now
you're just not mean
I remember when I used to think you
was sick
Now i know what you are, just a
small dick
G-Unit got rap covered for many
I'll dice you up like that guy from the
bible chopped his ears
My gun is loaded with about enuff
for your whole crew
1 shot kills u and the others die at
the sight of you
your mangled body lying in a heap
on the floor
Aint got anuff time to go say
goodbye to your whore
G-G-G- G Unit man we got the best
Ashanti watch it, you'll be next
(Eminem) Ha Ha Ha It's Over for u
Beat stops